Blog for Employers

  • Fixed-term contracts and severance pay
    Question: Is an employee whose fixed-term contract comes to an end entitled to severance pay? Answer: An employee who has been employed for more than 24 months is entitled to severance pay when the fixed-term contract comes to an end unless the employee earns in excess of the relevant income threshold (R224080,30 per year (R18673 per month)) prescribed by the Minister of Labour in...
  • Why #IAmHiring Graduates
    The Facebook group #ImStaying, with over half a million members, has fostered its fair share of controversy. On the one hand it has created an online community who feel the positive stories shared are a welcome change to all the horrific crime, corruption and negativity that we as South Africans are faced with every day. Others feel the group is elitist and panders to those from privileged...
  • Dismissal due to breakdown of trust
    It is the breakdown of the relationship of trust that normally justifies termination of employment in cases of employee misconduct. How serious must that breakdown be? Does the employer have to prove such breakdown of trust to justify dismissal? The relationship of trust is most pertinent in cases of dishonesty. But not always. The question of trust also with other types of misconduct, or...