Job Interview Advice: 6 Essential Steps to Stand Out

Job Interview Advice: 6 Essential Steps to Stand Out

Nailing that first impression can be the difference between your CV landing in the top five or being overlooked. Employers often remember candidates who leave a lasting, positive impact during interviews—so why not make sure you're one of them? Below is job interview advice that will help you stand out.

At RecruitAGraduate, we’re passionate about empowering graduates to be their best, and preparation is crucial when it comes to job interviews. Whether your interview is in person or online, this interview advice will help you shine and leave a great impression.


1. Communicate Professionally, But Be Yourself

When you’re answering questions, clarity and conciseness are essential, so practicing rehearsed responses is good. But don’t lose yourself in rehearsed responses. Let your personality come through. If you can, find moments to connect with the interviewer on a personal level. People remember authentic interactions, so balance professionalism with a little human touch. A well-placed bit of humor or a personal anecdote that relates to the job can go a long way.

Unexpected Silence Can Work in Your Favour: Pausing briefly before answering a question not only gives you time to think but also creates suspense. Just don’t overdo it—too much silence can get awkward. Use it to your advantage by showing you’re thoughtful and deliberate.


2. Listen Like a Detective

Interviewers aren’t just looking at what you say—they’re looking at how well you understand their needs. Listen carefully, not just to the questions, but also to subtle cues in their tone, body language, or choice of words. These can give you clues on what’s most important to them about the role and the company.

Ask a Question They’re Not Expecting: If appropriate, ask a creative question like, “If this role were a movie, what kind of movie would it be?” It might catch them off-guard in a good way and give you insight into their expectations.


3. Dress for the Part – And Then Some

We all know dressing well for an interview boosts confidence and projects professionalism, but don’t forget to think about the details. Subtle accessories, like a stylish watch or a touch of color in your tie or scarf, can add personality without being overwhelming. For virtual interviews, make sure your background is tidy and professional. Your environment is part of the impression you leave.

Wear a “Power Piece” That No One Can See: Wearing something that makes you feel strong—even if it’s a lucky pair of socks or a hidden accessory—can boost your mindset and confidence, even if no one else knows about it.


4. Be Prepared, but Stay Spontaneous

Preparation is essential, but avoid sounding too rehearsed. Know the company and the job description inside out, but leave room for spontaneity in your answers. Employers like candidates who can think on their feet. Practice answering typical questions, but don’t script them. Let your natural responses flow.

Research Your Interviewer: If you know who’s interviewing you, see if you can find a fun fact about them on LinkedIn or elsewhere. Don’t be creepy—just something simple you can mention, like, “I noticed you studied abroad in Spain—that must have been a great experience!” It creates an instant connection.


5. Master Punctuality and Play It Cool

Arriving on time is a must. Take a few minutes before the interview to compose yourself before walking in or logging on. You want to project calm, collected energy, not frazzled nerves.

Arrive Super Early (Then Take a Walk): Showing up to the area 30 minutes early gives you time to relax and settle your nerves. Walk around the block, breathe, and mentally prepare so you’re calm and centered when it’s time for the interview.


6. Follow Up Creatively

Sending a professional thank-you note after the interview is good practice, but why not go a step further? Mention something specific you discussed in the interview to make it more personal and memorable.

Add Value in Your Follow-Up: If the conversation touched on a specific challenge the company is facing, send along an article or resource that might be helpful. It shows you’re already thinking about solutions and can stand out from other candidates.


Ready to Take the Next Step?

At RecruitAGraduate, we’re committed to helping graduates like you land the perfect job. We offer job interview advice in our Blog for Graduates section. We’ve got a range of exciting graduate opportunities just waiting for you. Head to our current jobs page to explore available positions, and don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for the latest job alerts and tips.

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