In 2012 Phillipa Geard started the jobs website RecruitMyMom.co.za with the aim of developing pathways for skilled mothers who want to contribute to the economy, while also being able to contribute to their families.
Seven years on, spurred on by the national crisis of youth unemployment, she's back with a new website, RecruitAGraduate.co.za.
Geard says she wanted to help "small businesses pinpoint young graduate talent they need to grow their businesses and in turn, the economy".
I wanted to find a more efficient way for entrepreneurs like myself to be able to access graduates and interns.
— Phillipa Geard, Founder - RecruitAGraduate.co.za
We have a real problem in South Africa with underemployment, which is where you've got graduates who are just taking jobs because the job is available and so are not working at their optimal skill level.
— Phillipa Geard, Founder - RecruitAGraduate.co.za
You now have a platform where the employer is specifically looking for graduate skills.
— Phillipa Geard, Founder - RecruitAGraduate.co.za
Read: BA degrees won't propel SA to competitive global economy, argues BLSA COO
Geard says there's a great deal of business sense in hiring young graduates.
Employers will start soon realising that they need these technologicals skills and that the tech savvy youngsters bring it.
— Phillipa Geard, Founder - RecruitAGraduate.co.za
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Original article published on Cape Talk. Click here to view it.