
Does RecruitAGraduate assist with sourcing youths for YES?

Does RecruitAGraduate assist with sourcing youths for YES? 


  •  Companies may recruit youth from any partner they choose. 
  • YES has not endorsed any consultancies to charge fees for registration services of YES. 

What is YES? 

South Africa’s Youth Employment Service aims to create jobs for the youth in line with South Africa’s national development goals. Once a company is registered with the YES platform you can recieve the benefits. Recruit A Graduate assists companies to source youth for the YES program. 

How does RecruitAGraduate work?

RecruitAGraduate is an online recruitment agency where employers and recruiters can hire graduates, interns and apprentices from registered higher education institutions for permanent or contract positions and internships. 

It's the go-to site for jobs for talented graduates and trusty interns in South Africa. 


Graduates sign up for free. Load your CV, and complete your job seeker profile on our candidate portal. Aim to achieve a 100% completion score.

Employers, HR Managers and Recruiters

What is a registered higher education institution?

For a private education institution to provide tertiary education, it must be registered with The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

State-owned higher education institutions are included as registered institutions.

Who qualifies for graduate jobs?

Anyone who has graduated within the past five years or is in the process of graduating from a higher education institution is considered a graduate. This includes anyone who needs to complete an internship or apprenticeship to obtain their final qualification. Find internship and apprenticeship jobs on Recruit A Graduate. Sign up via the graduate page

Do I need to set up job alerts?

Once you have completed your profile and CV on RecruitAGraduate, you will automatically be informed of relevant job opportunities via email alerts. We will email you new jobs based on your completed profile.

There is no need for you to set up alerts, but you do need to agree to allow us to send you alerts by selecting “Yes” to opt in to job alert communication.