RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • How work readiness programmes fast-track graduate employees
    A challenge that many employers face when hiring younger, graduate staff is that there can be a lack of professionalism, communication and soft skills training in younger, more “green” employees. Often it’s simply due to being new to the workplace or inexperienced. One of the best ways to provide a graduate employee with the necessary foundation for long-term career success...
  • Graduate jobs: how to become a top candidate
    As a student or graduate from school or university, work readiness is a hot topic worth investigating. However, there are other ways that you can start to add more to your CV in preparation for the working world. These will put you a cut above the rest when employers are looking for the right employee to take on board. ...
  • What careers of the future to look out for
    Choosing what to study, or the direction of your career takes a little thought and a whole lot of resourcefulness. We are on the cusp of an exciting couple of decades and there are some interesting careers of the future to choose from.  With so many possibilities it’s firstly important to narrow down the type of career that would suit you best. You could look at your personality...
  • Avoid these 8 common interview mistakes
    Getting ready to enter the world of work requires some effort but it’s well worth it when you land the perfect job. You need a high quality CV, a strong motivational letter and some good references behind your name. Thereafter, you get to contact recruiters, sift through job posts, and ace the interview before eventually meeting with your potential employer. Avoid these 8 common interview...
  • Making a great first impression at job interviews is the best way to land your CV on the top 5 list. Employers will always remember the candidates that stood out the most in an interview.  Believe it or not, there are ways you can make sure the impression you leave is a good one. At RecruitAGraduate, we are passionate about helping our grads be the very best they can be so that they can...